Fall One Day VBS

Fall One Day VBS

Leaves are FALLING, Jesus is CALLING!

Salem Missionary Baptist Church would like to invite you to join us for a FREE one day Vacation Bible School (VBS) on October 21st!

This year we will be looking in the Bible and seeing that Jesus is calling everyone to salvation because of His love for us!

We have classes available for grades K-8 (parents are welcome to stay for the entire day!) so come learn about Jesus, sing some songs, play games, make crafts, and eat yummy snacks!

We will start our day at 9am and end at 12pm. There will be a musical program from 12-12:30pm for the parents to come and enjoy, with refreshments to follow!

You can register in person the day of, or pre register right here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLScNzUQKn3yfQz.../viewform

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Ladies Meeting

Ladies Meeting

Every third Tuesday we have our monthly ladies meeting. We get together and look into the Bible and study out God’s word. We often times will have snacks, crafts, or an activity! We also discuss some fun ladies activities. So come join us and get into God’s word!

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